

Statewide Autistic Services (SASI) is committed to prompt reporting
and response to incidents and feedback.
What is RiskMan?

A risk management software system to enable reporting and managing of incidents, near misses and hazards.

An Incident is any unplanned event resulting in, or having a potential for injury, ill health, damage or other loss.

A Near Miss is an incident that could have resulted in an injury or illness to people, danger to health,damage to property or the environment.

A Hazard is an object or situation that has the potential to harm a person, the environment or cause damage to property

What are the first steps?

Safety is everyone's responsibility. The first step in safety is to recognise an incident has occurred and inform the person in charge as soon as possible.

Completing the incident form should occur before the end of a working day whilst the information is still fresh in your mind.

What happens next?

After lodging an incident form in RiskMan, the report will automatically be escalated to the appropriate manager for investigation. Your manager will discuss the outcome of the incident with you.

Need more information?

If further information is required on how to complete the RiskMan Incident Report you can contact the SASI support team via email:
Quality Assurance Manager